Sunday, May 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Brylie!!!!!

Brylies birthday was april 25th but we had her party yesterday... She already had a birthday party with her dad so she thought she was turning five on this so I explained to her that she was still four..=) Family and friends came and the kids had a great time playing on the playset... Brylie loved opening her presents and got some fun things.. Thank you to all who came to celebrate such a special little girl..
Top ten things I love about Brylie (in no special order)
1. She has the cutest biggest brown eyes
2. She gives the best loves a mommy could ask for
3. She comes up with some of the funniest sayings
4. She is very girlie girl
5. She loves her sisters and for the most part they get along... lol
5. She is not afraid to tell me when Im being a "mean Mommy"
6. She is dances sooo good in dance class
7. She is very good at doing puzzles
8. She is very smart and loves going to preschool at Little Learners
9. She loves to take baths (no arguements to get her in)=)
10.She is great at sharing

Thanks for the idea Melissa ;)


Anonymous said...

So cute! You will have to email or get me a CD with a copy of Brylie's Birthday pics since I didn't bring my camera to the party! It was fun to hang out with all of you again.
Love, Kristy & Ivan