Friday, April 18, 2008

OMG!!! I dont want her to grow up.....

I went to pick up Bailie last night after getting my hair done and she told me that alex had made her a bracelet... Me " oh really that is nice of him. Can I see it?" she then hands it to me. Bailie " It says bailie I love you Alex". Me " I'm not sure what I think about that". Bailie informed me that when he gave it to her he told her not to show anyone so I asked her if she showed her friends and she said no.. I told her that was she was a good friend not to show it to her girlfriends. lol I then asked her if I could take a pic of it and she said yes as long as I don't show anyone.. but of course I brought it to work (yes Im not as good as bailie) and now Im posting it for everyone to I have mixed emotions about the whole thing.. My first thought was someone had to of helped him like a sister or mother... If its a mother she should have told him to go and play with his cars instead.. he is only 6. But on the other hand it was nice of him to do a nice thing for her..(I think)aaaahhhh!!!

As I was writing this Amanda called to tell me how big of a brat Brikalie so I asked what happended.. apparently Amanda had a 20 oz bottle of sprite. Brikalie drank all of her drink then went and put water in it and put it so when amanda went to drink it she was kinda shocked and Brikalie told her " its wada"(water) lol I guess she was soaked in water and spilled water all over the she is sosoo dang cute!!!!