Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Hair Cuts

Bailie got her hair cut into an A-line yesterday... It turned out adorable...At first I thought she was going to cry when Tisa cut it off and through the whole style of it she didnt even smile..I was worried but when we were done she said she loved it and actually smiled...whew!! She was soooo excited to go to school and show all her friends her new "Do" It actually makes her look older then she is..=( She had enough hair to donate to "Locks of Love" and we were happy to be able to. Brylie also got her hair cut because she likes to be like her big sis Her hair cut also was adorable.Tisa used a straightener on it so it was the first time I had actually seen her hair that straight. Of course Brikalie wanted her turn but we ran out of time, so her pic will be at a later

K I just want to throw in that I really didn't like the mirrors and lighting that Tisa had, they really made me look fat!!! (ok so maybe it was just me that made me look fat =0)hehehehe darn it!!!


YoungFamilyBlog said...

jaemi she looks so old I can't believe it so cute