Sunday, July 27, 2008

Brylie cut her hair AGAIN!!!!

So the other day Brylie was being very very quiet which is not normal... I was in the bathroom helping Brikalie go potty (yeah finally). So her comes Brylie standing in the door with scissors in her hand and oh look at that a little bit of hair... not so bad right... So I ask her Where she was when she cut her hair. She told me she was in Bailies closet. So we go to the closet and oh look at that a little bit more hair... ok well then she informs me that there is more!!! So she takes me to the bottom of the stairs where she shows me a BIG pile of hair she had cut... So at this point im freaking out and trying to figure out where exactly she had cut it from... She cut two big chunks of each side, her bangs and then also a spot on top... luckily she has curly hair so it kinda blends in... Oh and I asked her why she did it and she informed me she needed a so I told her that next time she thinks she needs one let me know and I would take her to the hair lady. But of course she posed for me and said but mom dont I look